1. Go to the My Page website at slcc.edu, log on and select the “Student” tab.
2. Select “Academic and Career Advising” under “Student Records,” and click on the “Degree Evaluation” link.
3. Select the current term, and then submit.
4. Select “What-If Analysis,” which is listed in red.
5. Follow the prompts for your beginning term, program and major, and then submit.
6. Select “Generate Request.”
7. To print, follow instructions on the top of the webpage.
The Salt Lake Community College math department is stepping up enforcement of the one-year limit for math course prerequisites.
SLCC requires that students attend math courses no more than one year after completing any prerequisite courses, but has not strictly enforced the rule in the past.
“Statistically students at Salt Lake Community College loose retention of information as time goes on, “ said Mathematics Department Chair Suzanne Mozdy. “If students don’t use the math, they lose the math.”
This new enforcement of prerequisite course expiration might present problems for students who planned to slip past the rule before graduation, but there are steps students can take to avoid future problems.
“The academic advisors will create a plan for you to plan ahead and sequence your math classes,” said SLCC Academic and Career Advisor Joanne Thomas. “Students should be familiar with the Salt Lake Community College website and look at the information under the testing center and the other Salt Lake Community College departments.”
Students can also use the SLCC “degree evaluation” to avoid having to retake math classes due to expiring courses. This tool can be used to track student progress toward a degree and will help evaluate which classes a student still needs to graduate.
“Advisors can run your degree evaluation, or you can do it off of your MyPage account,” said Thomas.
SLCC students are required to take an entry exam for math, which places them into a math class depending on the student’s score.
Students can place out of the first math class, but the only way students can avoid retaking an expired math course is to set up a challenge exam at the SLCC Testing Center. The cost for the challenge exam is $50.