When things aren’t going the way you would like, and classes are harder than you expected, don’t give up. Punt and develop a new plan to make your world the way you want it.
Never Give Up
Everybody experiences times in their lives when things don’t go their way. When this happens people have a choice on how to react.
If someone is looking for a job for instance and they can’t seem to find one no matter how hard they look, they can just throw in the towel and stop looking, or maybe they could adjust their job hunting technique, look for a different kind of job, review interview techniques, and do something positive with the situation.
Just about any situation that seems like a negative can turn out to be a positive if the situation is dealt with in a positive manner. Not everything works for us as we would like it sometimes. When this happens I say punt, and then move on.
Punt means accepting the situation, and moving on. Sometimes this is a lot easier said than done. Someone who does something and it is not recognized, and they want it to be, can do nothing but punt, just except it and go on to the next thing.
In my opinion you should never give up, students here at the school that are having a hard time with some of their classes, (I’m one of them), they should not give up, keep trying, get some help if needed but never say, “I can’t do this,” because the one thing not to do, is give up on yourself.
This subject always brings to mind a saying by Mahatma Ghandi, it goes;
“I will be the change that I want to see in the world,” Mahatma Ghandi.
I take this mean that if you want changes in your world you have to start out by changing yourself, in ways to change your world around you.
Only you can change your world, and if you don’t like something about it change it. Again this is easier said than done.
Sometimes changing what you don’t like about your world can be very difficult, but that doesn’t mean it is not possible.
Sometime our world has a change because our life has a change; this can be either negative or positive. If the change is positive then there are no worries.
If the change is negative though the situation changes, at that time is when you say, “This isn’t going to get the best of me,” and you find the inner strength to find a positive to rise up and beat the negative.
I believe that everyone has the strength inside to never give up, when that would be the easiest thing to do.
If your world isn’t behaving as you expected, punt and adjust to your world.