Last week my friend Toni and I were driving to the Taylorsville Redwood Campus. We were at a light and watched someone in a Jeep fly through their red light and hit a four-wheel drive truck, knocking it completely over on its side.
Being the driver of our car, if I had not hesitated when the light turned green, it would have been Toni and me that got hit. The point I would like to make from this story is that this was a case of a driver thinking about himself or herself and not considering the danger he or she was creating by driving way too fast and thinking they could just run a red light. The person in the Jeep had a full red light before they were at the intersection. While driving either in town or on the freeway, I see so many people not thinking of the problems they are causing by the way they are driving.
Another example of drivers thinking about themselves and not about how they can do their part to maintain road safety is when there is a sign telling drivers that a two lane road is going to one lane at least a half mile before it happens. People always keep driving up the lane for some reason instead of getting over, then there is a traffic jam up where the lane ends with people stopped wanting to get over. This makes all traffic stop. If people would stop thinking of themselves and merge when they should, traffic would keep moving.
One of the things I see a lot of is people cutting someone off getting in front of them and causing them to slow down by applying their breaks. I remember driver’s education and it seems like I remember being taught that you don’t get in front of someone and cause them to slow down.
Another bad situation is when someone is going ten miles an hour over the speed limit and they come upon someone who is going ten miles an hour under the speed limit. I won’t get into the speeding aspect of this, because there is no use beating an old horse to death. But what about the people that won’t even drive the speed limit? Are these people scared to be out driving, or do they not know how to drive, or are they so distracted by something else that they aren’t paying attention to their speed? Going too slow can be just as dangerous as going too fast.
The only conclusion I can come to as to why people drive like they’re the only one on the road is that they are only thinking of themselves. Also it is very apparent that you don’t have to get a great score on the tests at the Driver’s License Division to get a driver’s license.