The community garden at the Taylorsville Redwood Campus has come to life this summer. The garden is on the southeast corner of the campus next to the Construction Trades Building. There are several departments and clubs that have planted something that is growing in the garden. These include the Environmental Club, the Division of Natural Science, Distance Learning, the Physiology department, the Humanities/English department, Academic Advising, the Physics Club, Parking Services, and Student Life and Leadership. Each department and club does what it wants with the food and flowers that grow due to their efforts.
The Environmental Club has members involved with the garden. They also have a sponsor, Wasatch Garden, which donated the soil and the wood to build the boxes used for each department’s garden. The club built the boxes and helped get the garden started.
Along with the Environmental Club the garden is also sponsored by the Sustainability Committee. A committee of the college, they are focused on finding new departments, clubs and organizations to join the community garden.
“We work with the Sustainability Committee closely,” Brittany Evans, Environmental Club president said. “They help with costs.”
Along with the Sustainability Committee and the Environmental Club there is a a committee called the Community Garden Committee. This is a sub-committee of the Sustainability Committee. It is made up of members of the community garden. Together they coordinate what goes on with the garden.
“Their main purpose is to keep things going with the garden,” Clint Gardner, Community Garden Committee member said.
The Environmental club is based on doing service projects; they work with an organization called Save Our Canyons. Members go out and clean up trail heads in the canyons. They also work with an organization named Green Team, working with this organization they clean up after concerts specifically.
The club is currently working with the school to have a recycling area in the student center starting this fall. The purpose is to get students to recycle more.
“We’re very excited about it,” Evans said.
The club also works with other community organizations. They make a lot of public service announcements on how to recycle on the schools TV channel.
The clubs mission is; “To increase education on environmental issues and lobby for green change and efficiency for the school and community”.
The club is looking to be a bigger part of the garden, and they are interested in making the garden larger so they are always looking for other departments, and clubs to join.
The Environmental club is one of the larger clubs on campus, they have a membership count of 35. Any student that wants to join can go to the clubs web site at