Salt Lake Community College will hold its 2011 Commencement ceremonies at the Maverik Center this year on Thursday, May 5. The high number of students graduating is the reason for the move.
Past ceremonies have been held in the Lifetime Activities Center at the Taylorsville Redwood Campus.
There were a number of people that could not fit into the arena last year. They were given tickets to go into an overflow area where they were able to watch the graduation ceremonies on television.
“We moved to the Maverik Center because there have been more students graduating and more families attending,” Sherrie Curtis, Vice President’s Office said. “Because of the numbers we needed more space. The LAC doesn’t have enough room anymore.”
There were 3,490 graduating students in 2009 and 3,882 in 2010. This year boasts the largest number of graduates in SLCC history with 4,371. Of these, 489 of the graduates are from the School of Applied Technology.
Some of the College’s graduates will move on to schools out of the area. Elizabeth Schott has been taking her general education at Salt Lake Community College and will be moving on to Utah State University next fall where she will study Dietetics, or nutrition.
“It feels really good [to graduate], it’s a definite accomplishment,” Schott said. “I’m just glad to be moving on.”
Ryan McDonald is transferring to the University of Utah next fall. Up there he will be studying mass communication, or journalism to be more exact. He has been at Salt Lake Community College for a total of four semesters.
“It’s nice to be done with SLCC and be moving on,” McDonald said. “It’s a little scary to be moving on to something new, but change is always good.”
Michelle Williams will also be transferring up to the U of U. She will be learning how to be a Medical Laboratory Technician. Williams has been going to SLCC on and off for the last five years.
“I’m excited because it’s been a long time,” Williams said.
Guests do not have to have tickets to get into the arena. Seating is first come first serve. Graduates are required to RSVP and can invite up to six guests each.