Dear Students,
Today is the most glorious day of the year at Salt Lake Community College. We are gathered to celebrate our students’ achievement – your many successes, your many contributions.
As we recognize the culmination of your hard work and excellence at SLCC, we fully hope and expect that we will leave you—and you will leave us—with much more than a diploma. Armed with judgment and understanding to complement the skills and abilities you’ve acquired here, we wish you the best as you Step Ahead into your future.
Commencement marks the completion of a major milestone. You are now college graduates; you are now one step closer to achieving your dreams. The faculty, staff and I thank you for making Salt Lake Community College part of those dreams.
Because of the dedication of you, our students, the College ranks third in the country in associate’s degrees awarded.
On behalf of the entire College community, I offer you our best wishes and our congratulations.
Dr. Cynthia A. Bioteau
President, Salt Lake Community College