Students at SLCC will finally have a chance to get their Zumba on. A Zumba class will be taught every Friday in the Lifetime Activities Center at the Taylorsville Redwood Campus. This class will last from 5 p.m. until 6:05 p.m., resulting in a good, long work out.
“I never heard of Zumba, but to my understanding it’s a fitness class with a lot of rhythm,” said Amber Smith, a Business Administration major at SLCC.
Zumba is a fitness exercise that is done through the different dance moves the teacher demonstrates. It involves any kind of music with a fast rhythm that will keep the body moving.
Smith has considered trying this new exercise even if she has go alone because it sounds like a fun experience for her.
For some students, like Smith, this is the first time they will have an opportunity to go to a class like this. It can be a fun way to release the stress students might have because of tests, papers or any other thing that can stress someone out.
“It’s a good opportunity to make new friends here at the college and meet new people that might be new to this school, too,” said Smith.
“What is Zumba? I never heard of that, but I am willing to try it,” said Jonathan Suaste, an Auto-Body major at SLCC.
For Suaste, this could be a great exercise helping him get into shape for the soccer season.
“I am going next time they meet because it’s a great way to meet the ladies from SLCC,” said Suaste.
Zumba is a great way to exercise and get back into shape, and for students like Suaste it is a great way to stay fit. The students also like Zumba because they are getting something out of it; besides looking great, students also feel good about themselves. The teacher, Mayra Alarcon, makes it fun and gets everybody involved.
The students that have tried out Zumba have liked it and go back every Friday.