Illegal immigration is wrong. It is breaking the law, and those who choose to break this law should be deported.
People like to say that illegal immigrants are such hard workers and they take the jobs that Americans don’t want, but that cannot be. If they are the hard workers some say they are, they would take the time to come to the country legally. How can it be that people managed to get to the country legally during the Holocaust, when they were in serious danger, but we still find excuses for those who are in no such danger?
Instead of defending the immigration laws that we have in place, many choose to defend those who break them. Many like to think that illegal immigrants are helping our economy and it is a mystery to me how they don’t connect the dots between the $113 billion they cost tax payers annually, FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform), and the huge recession we have going on.
Instead of following the laws we have in place to come to our country legally, they choose to risk their lives to cross the border illegally. It is a dangerous venture crossing the border illegally; it can even end in death. Still, they choose this over applying for citizenship, or a green card. Some say they are willing to risk their lives because it is so bad where they come from. Then why do they bring crime to our country if that is what they are trying to get away from?
Annually, California alone spends $1.4 billion on incarcerating illegal immigrants. As part of Obama’s new budget, California will be receiving $1 billion dollars to help them pay for healthcare for the poor, and incarcerating illegal immigrants.
Many illegal immigrants do pay some sort of tax. According to USAToday, “One rough estimate puts the amount of Social Security taxes alone at around $9 billion per year.” However, as stated above, this is nothing compared to the $113 billion they cost taxpayers annually. So they do contribute by paying Social Security, but that is only one aspect of taxes. According to FAIR, “Most illegal aliens do not pay income taxes. Among those who do, much of the revenues collected are refunded to the illegal aliens when they file tax returns. Many are also claiming tax credits resulting in payments from the U.S. Treasury.”
According to ABC Action News, “When it comes to the education and health care of illegal immigrants, state and local governments bear nearly the entire financial burden.” FAIR further explains, “The total K-12 school expenditure for illegal immigrants costs the states nearly $12 billion annually, and when the children born here to illegal aliens are added, the costs more than double to $28.6 billion.” FAIR also explains, “Another $1.4 billion of the taxpayers’ money goes toward providing health care to illegal aliens and their families…” and that is just in California.
California has become reliant on the cheap labor that illegal immigrants can provide. It is inaccurate to say that illegal immigrants are taking jobs that “lazy Americans” don’t want, as that is not the case. Illegal immigrants are taking jobs that Americans do want, but can afford to be paid less than Americans since they don’t have nearly as many costs as American citizens do.
California, facing a budget deficit of $14.4 billion in 2010-2011, is hit with an estimated $21.8 billion in annual expenditures on illegal aliens. New York’s $6.8 billion deficit is smaller than its $9.5 billion in yearly illegal alien costs.
You cannot argue with the facts. Illegal immigrants are costing this country much more than they are giving the country. I think the right thing to do is to deport them and enforce our immigration laws, especially in times like these where we cannot afford to lose any more money.