Finals can be a very stressful time in your life with all the expectations you put on your self. Tension builds by unrealistic expectations and snowballs as you get closer to your objective. This is the focus of earning a good grade on your test and out of the class. Realizing where this anxiety stems from can help ease the stress and prepare you for finals.
When the mind is empty it can be filled:
Taking a previous class model and trying to apply it to another class is similar to putting a round object in a square hole. By cleaning the slate you prepare to accept the new information and allow a fresh view. Filling our head with garbage from home, work and other mental activities puts strain on the brain causing the thinking process to feel like a traffic jam. The brain is a muscle and like all muscles it needs glucose to function. This should be a clue to why eating a good meal and meditation can be beneficial.
Looking within can radiate outwards:
Outside pressures becomes our own, only if we allow it. Meaning you have control of how you think, feel and react, the rest is called life and that you will just have to deal with. Driving to school in traffic can be a time to reflect, a disagreement with a friend is a chance to grow and challenges in school are opportunities to learn something new. Taking care of your needs by exercising stimulates endorphins that can rejuvenate and energize the way we look at the world.
Allow the wind to flow through you:
All teachers are not created equal, in fact you might not like your teacher very much, but the fact remains you are in school to get an education, not to like your teacher. Putting the responsibility on the teacher to do his or her job takes away any control you had of getting the schooling you paid for. You can take control of the situation by going to class, taking notes and doing your homework. In addition to the basics, learn the teacher’s format; don’t go beyond their expectations. Most of the time they just want you to do what they told you and nothing more.
Wake up to the sun:
Try to not sabotage yourself by procrastinating to the last minute. This creates self-doubt allowing you to get discouraged and even believe you don’t deserve a good grade. Understanding how we become our own worst enemy can make you your own best friend. Building your confidence is simple as doing what you said you were going to do. Commit to a specific time to study, show up to class on time and read the material you were assigned. Get a good night sleep.
Stop and take a deep breath:
Imagine if you stopped breathing — you would pass out. Often under stressful periods in our lives we seem to hold our breath in a time when we need air the most. Deep flowing breaths help oxygenate muscles to perform under stress. This is extremely beneficial for the brain to work properly. Practicing yoga you learn to turn off the outside world and focus on breathing. When you study or take an exam it can be just as beneficial to breathe and focus on the task before you.
When the mind is clear and the breathing is controlled you are then ready to accept good things into your life. Earning a good grade contributes to you getting into a better school, qualifies you for certain scholarships and most important means you understand the material taught in class.