The Ethnic Piers group at SLCC teaches understanding about other cultures to elementary kids in order to spread diversity.
The group visited two different elementary schools in the last few weeks, Northstar Elementary and Escalante Elementary. The purpose of their visits is to teach kids about different ethnicities.
“We have an amazing group this time,” Lisa Tsujimoto secretary for Multi- Cultural Initiatives said. “One of the best groups we’ve had.”
First the kids are divided up into three groups. Then with each group they spend time with the kids and have them do projects including teaching them how to make Native American dream catchers while teaching them about Native American culture.
The group taught the kids where soccer originated from, and then members of the group played soccer with them. The children were also taught where musical instruments originated from. They made musical instruments including drums, flutes, and maracas. The idea is to spread diversity, and teach kids about other cultures.
“We might do it again next year,” Cristy Gomez Ethnic Piers group member, said. “We want to.”
The members of Ethnic Piers are a multi-cultural group their members include, Micheal Daniel, Melissa Carillo, Daniel Saucedo, Lily Wu, Danielle Slim, Maira Torres, Cristy Gomez, Chelesa Fittom and Brady Grimm.
Next semester the group is having a senior dance at the Taylorsville Senior Center. Which is near the Taylorsville Redwood Campus. They want to do something for Autistic awareness month. The group will also do something for Black awareness month in February.
November is Native American awareness month. The group held a game called Native American Jeopardy. The game is designed to teach little known facts about Native Americans. In September the group held the same game, it was called Spanish jeopardy. For October the group did a power point presentation that was shown on the College TV network about Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, and Transgender or the LGBT.
For more information about the Ethnic Piers group call 801-957-4954.