The key to open the door to all of what SLCC has to offer exists in the form of a card. SLCC’s helpful resources, services and entertainment are being accessed every semester by students who have what is known as the OneCard.
OneCards are issued to all newly registered students at no cost. In order to obtain a OneCard, students must go to the ID Center/ Information Desk located on the main level of the Student Center, and have their driver’s license or passport handy.
“The OneCard is a student’s golden ticket to access and explore everything that SLCC has to offer,” said SLCC’s ID Center’s Ileen Litster. “Students are able to access Library Services, Printing Services, the Testing Center, the Lifetime Activity Center and Campus Events.”
The OneCard is also used as a student ID to prove enrollment at SLCC. “This card can only be used for on-campus resources, services, and entertainment,” said Litster.
For students who want to kick that expensive gym membership to the curb or just want the convenience of a close gym, the OneCard is the answer to all your problems. The OneCard works as a gym membership and allows students full access to SLCC’s on-campus fitness facility at the Lifetime Activities Center.
Students may also use their OneCard as an on-campus debit card. Students are allowed any dollar amount to be put on their OneCard for things they may want to purchase on campus. Student can even use their OneCard at some off campus vendors like Dee’s restaurant located at 4700 S. Redwood Road, and Espresso Connection Café at 4465 S. Redwood Road.
“I use my OneCard quite frequently to purchase things I need just for school like books, lunch at the food court, printing paper and other things,” said SLCC student Nick Wells. “It forces me to manage and budget my money better because I have full control over the amount I put on it.”
If a student has a financial emergency or is graduating, he or she may withdraw money out of their OneCard account by filling out a form at the ID Center. The amount withdrawn will then be mailed out in the form of a check to the student’s address.
The OneCard also makes it possible for students to get their hair cut and styled at a fairly cheap, reasonable price.
“I’m able to get my hair and nails done at a small price at the Jordan Campus with my OneCard,” said SLCC student Hanna Rudelich.
Students can also access free services at the Health and Wellness Center with their OneCard, including massages, medical and psychological help, to name a few.
For more information about the OneCard please visit the ID Center at the Information/Courtesy Desk, or visit