Losing focus on assignments and studying for those important tests? Are distractions constantly interfering with school and time management? If the answer is yes, then it’s time to kick those distractions to the curb and escalate those test scores by getting involved with SLCC’s Learning Enrichment Program.
A majority of students have a tough time getting in the routine of studying, or struggle with their studies because their abilities to take notes or read textbooks. SLCC’s Learning Enrichment Program offers a series of workshops that teach students helpful concepts to eliminate distractions and strengthen thought processes.
“The program teaches thinking, learning, and self-management skills including time management, effective use of textbooks, effective note taking, preparing for tests, and memory techniques,” said Learning Enrichment Coordinator Linda Richards.
There are a total of seven different workshops in a seven-week period that are offered to students, at no expense. It is strongly encouraged for participating students to take advantage of the full program.
“The individual classes are part of a whole and feed off of each other to provide tools and techniques to help students understand and learn new material and skills in a way that makes sense,” said Richards, “The Learning Enrichment Program also teaches students the ability of retaining information for present and future tests.”
Why are the skills taught in the Learning Enrichment Program so beneficial to students? “Very few students ever pay attention to their preferred style of learning and are reluctant to change the way they study because they’ve never been instructed in the various ways of study, learning and memory,” said Richards.
“A lot of students have difficulty getting the key points out of a textbook and they don’t realize how important it is to read the current chapter before attending class,” said Richards, “This helps with understanding the material that will be discussed during the class by the instructor.”
Workshop flyers are posted at just about every campus. Flyers are also available to students at the Disability Resource Center.
The workshops at the Taylorsville Redwood Campus for fall semester will be held on Thursdays in STC Parlor A from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m., starting Sept. 9.
At Jordan campus they will be held on Wednesdays in Pavilion Multipurpose room C from 11:00 to 12:00 p.m., starting Sept. 15.
At South City Campus they will be on Tuesdays in room N305 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m., starting Sept. 21.
For additional information or questions regarding the Learning Enrichment Program, please visit slcc.edu/studyskills or contact Linda Richards at linda.richards@slcc.edu.