Life is full of births, deaths, weddings and graduations; markers that indicate the passage of time. Some of these moments are a cause for mourning, others for celebration. Most are filled with joy, sorrow and a little trepidation. It’s the turning of a new page, the start of a new and thus unknown chapter. I applaud all those who fearlessly enter this transitional corridor with optimism; who tackle the upcoming challenges with tireless enthusiasm. You inspire me with a hope that I too may be able to conquer my fears when I encounter them in the future, that I may come out intact and unscathed.
I admire your drive, and the hard work it took you to get to this point in your life. Nothing is gained without blood, tears, or losses along the way; but you fought like a seasoned warrior. I encourage you to hold onto and never relinquish the things that are most important to you, the things that make you who you are, the things that got you this far. I advise that you keep pursuing the dreams you have not yet made reality, because they might yet come true. Let go of the things you have no control over, because they are only hindrances holding you back. All that is left to say is that I’m proud of you for being a strong example to those of us who feel utterly weakened by the greatness of what we want to accomplish.
I will miss you; we will miss you and hope that you stay on the path you wish to walk. We will hope that one day we will meet you again. However, until then, know that all of the days leading up to this moment were filled with great memories. Know that the moment you entered my life, you were a part of the ripple effect that changed the course of my future. Know that you made a difference. All of you who have lost someone or gained someone in whatever context, all those who are graduating and moving on, I wish you luck, but above all, I wish you happiness.